Glasgow City HSCP launched a Strategic Review of 16+ Accommodation and Support Services on the 27th September 2022.
We strive to ensure that 16+ Accommodation and Support Services meet the needs of all of Glasgow’s young people. Our vision is to support young people to maintain stability and security to enable them to flourish and meet their potential.
The Promise Scotland and Glasgow’s Promise are the leading Strategic drivers for the review. The Promise advised that many young people felt ill prepared as they moved from Childhood to Adulthood and we have a responsibility to ensure this changes and that young people are supported at this very important stage in their lives.
We are working alongside The Promise and following the Scottish Approach to Service Design (SAtSD), which is a co-production and collaboration model. We will work in collaboration with our 3rd sectors partners, stakeholders, and young people to explore and discover what the challenges are and together define the solution. Glasgow HSCP have recruited four Promise Participation Workers to support with our commitment to the Promise. One worker or perhaps two will have a specific role in the 16+ review to assist us in ensuring meaningful engagement and participation with young people.
We have held our initial launch events with the 3rd sector and relevant Social Work staff. We are currently gathering information in relation to the needs of the young people that are currently using our 16+ services and we are now in a period of planning for our next phase.
Young people’s participation will run throughout the review, and we want to start by asking young people to complete a simple survey. We have discussed directly with social work staff and asked that they complete the survey with young people who are accessing 16+ accommodation and support services. This survey will shortly be ready to go live. We have launched the review on Glasgow HSCP website and social media platforms and attached a survey to target young people who are no longer working with social work.
Hamid Habibi was commissioned by Glasgow to create a poster that will be our branding throughout the review. We have had great support from Glasgow’s Colleges and Universities who are displaying he poster and issuing flyers for us. There is a QR code attached to these that will lead to the survey. We hope to reach as many young people as possible. We are all excited and looking forward to the opportunities and progress ahead.