Latest News

Communication in Children’s Hearings
A pilot initiative is underway in Glasgow to help children and young people share their views in their Children’s Hearing. Communi-crate is a communication toolkit which includes a number of tools to help children and young people participate in their Hearing at Bell...
Glasgow Champs Board established
Glasgow’s re-established Young Champs Group met for the first time recently. The Champs group is open to children and young people who are currently ‘care experienced’ in the city and are 16-26 years. This includes young people living with foster carers, in...
Glasgow Champions Board
There’s an exciting new development in Glasgow for care experienced children and young people - a new Champions Board is being created! We talk to Chizy Lingham, Promise Participation Worker at Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership to find out more… What is...
Keeping The Promise window display
Our Hearings, Our Voice (OHOV) recently created two eye catching window displays in the Merchant City. Board Members from OHOV installed two window displays at the Children’s Hearings Centre in Bell Street. The first one celebrates the links between their 40 Calls to...
Relationships – Above and Beyond Conference
On 22 February 2023, Glasgow Virtual School welcomed 277 delegates to their “Relationships – Above and Beyond” Care Experienced Conference. Our wonderful piper greeted Designated Managers, Pastoral Care staff, HSCP colleagues, partners, children and young people to...
Review of 16+ accommodation and support services
Glasgow City HSCP launched a Strategic Review of 16+ Accommodation and Support Services on the 27th September 2022. We strive to ensure that 16+ Accommodation and Support Services meet the needs of all of Glasgow’s young people. Our vision is to support young people...